Running Pi Hole Ad Blocker on Kali Linux

Running Pi Hole Ad Blocker on Kali Linux

#Pi-Hole #KaliLinux #AdBlocker

Full steps can be found at

NOTE: I’m running this installation inside a VirtualBox VM
   01. Click the Applications button ≫ Accessories ≫ Terminal
   02. Run the following commands to install updates
         sudo apt-get update
         sudo apt-get upgrade
         sudo apt-get clean
         curl -sSL | PIHOLE_SKIP_OS_CHECK=true sudo -E bash
   03. Press Enter until the DNS selection is displayed
   04. Select a DNS provider and press Enter
   05. Press Enter through the rest of the Pi-Hole installer, selecting the defaults
   06. Copy the randomly generated admin password (just in case)
   07. Press Enter to complete the installation
   08. Continue with the following commands
         # rebuild the pihole gravity.db
         sudo pihole -g -r
         # check for updates
         sudo pihole -up
         # change the pihole admin password
         sudo pihole -a -p
         # repair the pihole installation
         PIHOLE_SKIP_OS_CHECK=true sudo -E pihole -r
   09. Press Enter to repair and retain existing settings
   10. Continue with the following commands
         sudo nano /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
   11. Scrolldown and place a # before mod_compress to comment it out
   12. Press CTRL+O, Enter, CTRL+X to write the changes to lighttpd.conf
   13. Continue with the following commands
         # start lighttpd
         sudo systemctl enable lighttpd
         sudo systemctl start lighttpd
         # restart pihole DNS
         sudo pihole restartdns
   14. Open the Firefox web browser and navigate to about:config
   15. Click the Accept the Risk and Continue button
   16. Search for fallback
   17. Double click the browser.fixup.fallback-to-https to set the value to false
   18. Navigate to http://localhost/admin to reach the pi-hole web UI
   19. Click Login
   20. Authenticate with the admin password
More on Pi-Hole

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Autor: i12bretro

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