WebdriverIO How to Record and Generate Test Scripts

WebdriverIO How to Record and Generate Test Scripts

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*How to RECORD WebdriverIO Test*
Chrome DevTools Recorder – If you are using latest chrome you will have the Recorder already installed and available This feature is available only in Chrome, not Chromium

Step 1 – Open any website, do a Right-Click and select «Inspect»
Step 2 – To open Recorder panel –
Click on More options > More tools > Recorder
OR Click on More options > Run Command > Show Recorder

Step 3 – Click on «Start new recording» – give your test a name and then use the browser to record test
Step 4 – Stop recording & click on «Replay» to check if the recording was successful
Step 5 – Can Slowdown replay | Simulate network | Measure performance | Add Remove Edit steps | Edit locators
Step 6 – Can import | export steps
Step 7 – Can export for different tools using their chrome plugins – e.g.
Cypress Chrome Recorder | Nightwatch Chrome Recorder | Webdriver IO Chrome Recorder

Ref – https://goo.gle/recorder-extension


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Autor: Automation Step by Step

Enlace al vídeo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7bKBCql9zM

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